Recent content by 21gsmith

  1. 21gsmith


    Okay, it says they are on back order for the D4
  2. 21gsmith


    These rights ?
  3. 21gsmith


    Would those good good with my amp ? If so I might get those if you think that’s a good purchase.
  4. 21gsmith


    Why are these so cheap lmao ?
  5. 21gsmith


    The dude I bought it from said it was a “db drive” box but I can’t find it anywhere online. But it’s ported
  6. 21gsmith


  7. 21gsmith


    whats better 2ohm or 4ohm ?
  8. 21gsmith


    and I have a skar 1500 watt amp so 2 subs that would go with that please
  9. 21gsmith


    So I blew my 10” alpine type r subs being a dumbass, any recommendations on 2 10s I should get. I was thinking about getting 3 8s from scar. I want something that hits deep. Please let me know
  10. 21gsmith

    Help lol

    They don’t make that sound with the eq all the way down. Guess that’s what was causing it ?
  11. 21gsmith

    Help lol

    Any idea on what they should be set at ?
  12. 21gsmith

    Help lol

    That video is what it sounds like with bass eq maxed out but when I turn it all the way down it doesn’t make that sound.
  13. 21gsmith

    Help lol

    That’s what I thought but it only happens on certain songs and at certain times. It’s not like it constantly happens. But does that still mean it’s blown ?
  14. 21gsmith

    Help lol

    So I’m 18 and my brother gave me 2 alpine 10” sun type r he got them a long long long time ago so they are the older model or whatever. I got a skar 1500 watt amp and a 4 gauge 1500 wiring kit. I hooked it up and it worked really good and was super loud at first. But no I hear like a lil popping...