Recent content by C-LocJiggleNuts

  1. C-LocJiggleNuts

    In process of an extensive 16' Ram 2500 Mega Cab Audio Build...anyone done one?

    Beautiful work man! I have a 2015 Ram and although I am not much help when it comes to the 2500 Mega as I have the little brother in the 1500 Crew, I can attest to the fact that putting in an active system with DSP and 2 - 10's is a royal P.I.T.A!!!
  2. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    Haha. Glad I’m not the only one to do that hahaha.
  3. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    So I’m a visual guy. How bout a drawing?  Head unit side and amp side. For bridging do I use front r to left rear or vice Versa? I’m sure I’m seriously overthinking this. 
  4. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    One more question....How will I run the RCA's following the setup explained above? Will I need 3 sets of RCA's?
  5. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    Ok. Thanks again man. Really appreciate the time you take to edit photos and explain everything. If you ever feel like you need a trip to Washington to do a tune, ill cover your flight.  :naughty:
  6. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    Thank you sir! I'll try this setting and see what happens. Luckily those Massive tweets are cheap if I make a mistake. ;)  
  7. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    Wouldn’t bridging 4 channels into 2 make it a 2ohm setup and damage the speakers that are 4 ohm speakers? I’m not too familiar with bridging other than + to opposite -. Perhaps you can break it down into dumbass terms for me. This amp is confusing to me with all of the different configurations...
  8. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Need help from active crossover gurus

    Need some wiring help: I am rewiring my current setup and switching from passive to active and need some reassurance on the wiring. I am planning on a 2 way front stage with rear fill and 2 10" subs off a DSP. Wiring plan is as follows: Speakers: 9 wire from dash to 6 channel Arc audio...
  9. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Tidal App

    Yeah correction on the price. More like 24.99 per month for the “master” quality as they call it. I tried a free demo of it and it constantly stalls and restarts the songs unless you’re on WiFi. 👎🏼 From me. I’ll stick to iTunes and burn to lossless format. 
  10. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Tidal App

    Apologies if this post is a duplicate but have any of you used this new app? Supposedly you're able to transfer all of your music through a sister company into this Tidal app and stream it all in lossless format? If this is true this is total gamechanger. Jay-Z I guess is part owner in the...
  11. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Anyone in the Washington State area? Need help with DSP tuning.

    Of all you just listed I have....none. I have the Zapco Z8 iv ii. I more just want someone to do it for me. It’s installed but I’m waiting for my Arc x2 1200.6 to arrive (Monday) so I can finish the active 2 way install. I don’t want to want to screw up those awesome little ct2ii’s with bad...
  12. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Anyone in the Washington State area? Need help with DSP tuning.

     Thanks Boomin_. I’m no expert either. Nor am I even going to pretend to be. Is Jeff a local guy also? 
  13. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Anyone in the Washington State area? Need help with DSP tuning.

    Beer is obviously on tap plus cash for time. Inquire within. I need to meet more car audio folk in this northwest tundra. 
  14. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Massive CT2II's

    I always value your opinion Jeff. The 6 1/2’s in the doors are ok for now being CDT but I did just buy a new 6 channel Arc audio amp and once I get that installed and the active setup in tune I may switch to something else. Sounds like the CT’s were the right choice though. 
  15. C-LocJiggleNuts

    Massive CT2II's

    Yeah I’m pretty excited to get them installed. 