Recent content by jdc753

  1. jdc753

    XBL^2 Poll

    Part of them not sounding better is because this site is 90% SPL oriented, and as Audiohalic put it "good sounding" is subjective. So if your listening to some Ludacris or Techno or other bass heavy music and your listening mostly for the bass hits then I can see where people find a distaste...
  2. jdc753

    XBL^2 Poll

    When I fired it up for the first time it was almost like there was little to no life to the sub. This was also a brand new woofer and it definitely got better with break in. But it blends and transitions soo naturally and has zero boom or distortion that it almost seems as if the sound system...
  3. jdc753

    XBL^2 Poll

    x2 was a great educational read. I for one really enjoy my distortionless xbl^2 sub, took a little bit getting used to but now I don't think I could ever go back to a conventional, at least for primary sq oriented setups.
  4. jdc753

    What are some good high quality RCA interconnect cables?

    That thread was cross posted all over back then and got some good discussion on this site as well as Diyma. Seems I can't find that particular thread on but found it on DIYMA, I kracked open some Krystal kables. - From what I remember back in the day when reading it all was...
  5. jdc753


    I'd say you hit your goals, and best of luck maintaining those goals while expanding, I'm sure it can be quite tough if not **** near impossible. Its been a while since I have been around but I remember the few times corresponding with you was always a pleasure. Plus your amps just straight up...
  6. jdc753

    Best SQ sub ???

    This!! With those constraints I would suggest checking out the Stereo Integrity Mag v4. Its a 12" but 5.5" mounting depth and great sounding sub. Also only needs 1 ft^3 so it won't take up tons of room, or run 2. I am not sure how easy it will be to find one though, will be used only and there...
  7. jdc753

    Northeast Region SPL Comps in the Northeast

    Ok, cool. I got you guys on facebook and I'll make sure to check up regularly. Hoping to improve some stuff and then maybe take the step into the competition lanes. Worst case I'll just try and hit up your other shows and check things out.
  8. jdc753

    Blow through!!!!!!!!!! 2 15's 8000 watts

    that is a work of art!! Love the attention to detail on the construction and looks sweet to boot.
  9. jdc753

    mini cooper, wall, 2 18" mts, 6kw

    dang I go away for a few years and this still isn't done Hope everything is going good man keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished up and seeing the computer all done too. It's definitely a ton of work and easy to get discouraged.
  10. jdc753

    Northeast Region SPL Comps in the Northeast

    Been forever and a day since I was active on these forums but looking to make a come back and even see about getting to some of these events. I saw earlier that you guys (NESPL) were listed to have some competitions a the UMass Motorsport Spring Car show on April 30th. I didn't see anything...
  11. jdc753

    Second Skin SPL Tile review

    I was one of the lucky ones to win the recent give away of a 40pack of second Skin SPL tiles. I had some other deadener given to me as left overs from a friends project, and ordered a bulk pack of damplifier pro so I could at the least finish up my floor, I am hoping to use the left overs to get...
  12. jdc753

    Help with system in F250

    I thought this was the cool thing to do Ultimately biggest thing I think is it depends on the year of the truck. For F250's 99-04 (04 is a switchover year I think) the rear seats are different. With the early trucks you can do a modification to the brackets to get more area behind the seats...
  13. jdc753

    best 10's sealed that get loud

    good to hear, post up some more as you get some more experience with them. I have wanted to run some of them for a while now.
  14. jdc753

    What tools needed to cut dash bezel?

    x2 Dremel has been a great investment. Cut off wheels are very handy. Just tape things off carefully and draw your cut lines on the tape and with a steady hand (take your time) you can get it cut. Cut a little small to give yourself room to sand down if need be. SEM products are great, they...
  15. jdc753

    Do downfiring subs need breathing room?

    I am pretty happy with my downfiring setup. Granted its not an output monster but I don't have too much vibrations going on even when it is at full tilt. I remember reading somewhere on here a rule of thumb of keeping the sub about 1/4" of its diameter off the floor. This is what I started with...