Recent content by Loudmp5

  1. Loudmp5

    memphis mojo q1 15

    Somebody buy this trades??
  2. Loudmp5

    memphis mojo q1 15

    200 shipped?
  3. Loudmp5

    memphis mojo q1 15

  4. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    Mainly want it for movies, when its music who knows from classic jazz to gangster rap lol.
  5. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    Thanks guys, i wont take your knowledge for granted. Just to clarify i wasnt wanting to put speakers in my walls themselves but say i bought the jbl 180 7.1 built frames then slid them in the wall (would foam inside the wall around the frame. This wouod still hurt quality? Yeah im wanting...
  6. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    Thanks, I'm finding that out lol. Why not in wall? I have always wanted to and never really thought about the negatives until late now. 1st thing was rearranging furniture would be impossible. Just asking why you negate in wall.
  7. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    I aint thanking obama for sh1t. I work hard for everything i have and never have had government assistance.
  8. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    This will be a long process tho. Lots of studying before I buy. Don't want to cut my walls up then decide in a month I want something different and have to cut more walls up lol
  9. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    No, guessing thats a home audio video forum? Haha ill have to check em out.
  10. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    Thanks, budget is around a grand for surround speakers, i have a nice sub that will do for now, eventually ill get a better one. What i have now over powers my samsung surround. Been looking at shelf speakers that i could build frames for and put em in the wall. I always wanted more spl in my...
  11. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

  12. Loudmp5

    just bought a house

    Alright so I just bought my first home, I want all surround speakers mounted in the wall and a decent sub set up. Looking for ideas, descent equipment for sale, (no junk) opinions and thoughts needad
  13. Loudmp5

    memphis mojo q1 15

  14. Loudmp5

    memphis mojo q1 15

  15. Loudmp5

    memphis mojo q1 15
